How to choose the right sports sneakers

Heeled or low-top espadrilles, outsole or insole? Finding the right sneaker to practice your sporting activities can be difficult. First, what you have to remember is to make your choice according to the sports practiced, the frequency of use and, of course, the budget. And be careful not to fall into the trap of beauty before ergonomics! It is better to orient your purchase according to practical criteria than to buy the pair that best matches your new sports outfit, at the risk of causing yourself nasty injuries.


What are espadrilles again?

Like many terms used in Quebec jargon, “espadrille” has different meanings, depending on where you are in the world.

Sneakers here, in Quebec

In the Quebec lexicon, the espadrille means that good old sports shoe, like dad's! Casual in style, it is usually made of synthetic materials, has a grippy sole and no heel and is worn for sports, for relaxation or for outdoor outings.

Espadrilles elsewhere in the world

In France, the espadrille is more like the light and flirtatious sandal that you wear on the beach. When we talk about sports shoes, we rather call them sneakers, tennis or even "running shoes".

Different sneakers for different activities

No need to tell you that there are thousands of kinds of sneakers on the market. There is something for all tastes and all budgets.

First, it is necessary to target the sports practiced and the frequency of these. As a general rule, when you practice a sport three or more times a week, you should bring a pair of specialized shoes. We are talking about cycling, running or even crossfit shoes. You will notice the differences in shape, thickness, composition or adhesion.

Finally, if you use this shoe for various activities, prioritize the multisport model which is much more suitable for all eventualities and is often less demanding on the wallet.

Beware of injuries for poorly adapted sports shoes

To prevent injuries, choose shoes adapted to the sport practiced. In this sense, we do not wear basketball shoes to go running, just as we do not use a football to play soccer. Rapid movements, changes of direction and absorbed shocks are all factors that the designers do not leave to chance.

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Gym sneakers

Are you looking for an indoor sneaker? Opt for its impact resistance, its comfort, then make sure that it offers good protection for your feet.

What are the sports in the gym?

Whether you practice badminton, tennis or a ball sport, you will have to take into account the physical aspect of these sports and determine your needs: sole adapted to your sport, heel or joint protection.

Shoes for running

Do you exercise around town on hard surfaces? Choose lightness and flexibility to stabilize your foot. Opt instead for a grippy sole, providing maximum traction and reinforcement to support and protect your feet on unstable trails in the forest.

Shoes for walking

Since the arch of the foot (the arch of your foot) is put under a lot of strain, consider a shoe that will give it extra protection.

Yoga and aerobics

The idea of wearing shoes in your yoga classes may be unusual for you, yet many people use them. As the sport requires flexibility and amplitude, prefer light and flexible shoes so as not to disturb your sequences of movement. Who practices aerobics knows that the body is subjected to many impacts. Provide good heel support. Gel insoles are a good example. They should also have good grip and provide you with good stability to keep up.

Some buying tips

  1. Take your time! This purchase can be expensive, but, above all, it can save you from bad injuries.
  2. Bring the stockings you use when practicing your sport. You'll get a better sense of the real feel. Moreover, if it is not comfortable in store, do not insist. Sports shoes don't need to be broken like leather.
  3. Shop for your shoes at the end of the day when your feet will have taken on a bit of volume. Although the difference is minimal, your feet still swell a little during the day. This prevents discomfort during training.
  4. Last element: absolutely try both feet! Your feet are not symmetrical. By putting on both, you will have the right time. Finally, if you hesitate, it is better to have a little more space in the shoe than not enough.

Choosing children's sneakers

Buying sneakers for your child can be laborious: the type of sole, the size, Velcro or laces… here are some tips to help you navigate this jungle.

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Which model according to age

To give your little ones the best chance to explore their world, you need to target their developmental needs.

2 years and under

At this age, your child is growing rapidly as he gradually learns to walk. Before he is 9 months old, he will be mostly barefoot until he learns to move on his little legs. It will then be necessary to think about choosing flexible and non-slip soles.

2 to 5 years old

In search of discovery, your child will need shoes that breathe. Prioritize synthetic fabrics over imitation leather, which is much more conducive to sweating. Opt for stiff shoes with a thicker sole at the heel.

From 5 to 14 years old

More active around this age, children, tweens and teens will need to wear more sturdy shoes to protect their feet. You will have a variety of options for their different activities: Velcro, lace-up, cleated, running shoes or boots in cold weather, and even summer sandals.

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And the look, in all this?

For the summer season, the different brands that we carry in our branches denote everything except a lack of inspiration. We have a whole range of sneakers for women and men that are stylish and, above all, adapted to the practice of your activities, whether you are a novice or an expert.

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